Precipitation Map

Average annual rainfall varies between 750 and 1000 millimetres (30 to 40 inches) in the drier eastern part of the country, while most other parts have average yearly totals of between 1000 and 1350mm (40 to 54 inches). Highest annual rainfall is at around 2800mm. The intensity of the rainfall is generally low: Dublin Airport�s 750mm per year falls in about 550 hours. In continental areas with comparable annual averages the rain usually falls in shorter, heavier outbreaks.

rainfall is well distributed throughout the year: the months from February to July form the drier half of the year, but even so they still account for about 40% of the annual total. Months without rainfall are rare. Dry spells can oc cur at any time of the year but, fortunately, are most frequent in the Spring and Summer months between April and August.

Irish Winters are usually free from widespread, significant snowfalls. In the 1980s there were only two years - 1982 and 1987 - when snow persisted for some days and disrupted the normal pattern of life. January and February are the months when snow is most likely.


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