
Denmark is situated in the zone between three european climatic zones (Borea influence in the north, Atlantic influence the west and Continental influence in the east); the climate throughout Denmark is a mixture of these influences. Generally the western parts of the country has atlantic climate and the eastern parts a more continental influenced climate.

The yearly precipitation is over 900 mm in some parts of Jutland and below 500 mm over The Great Belt between Jutland and Seeland. The rain is more or less even distributed through the year, but as the evaporation is less in the cool months october to march, the winter is the most humid time of the year. Over the year the temperature is naturally highest, over 8,5 degrees C, in the southern parts of the country and below 7,5 in the northern parts of Jutland. July is the warmest month with a mean temperature over 17,5 degrees C in southeast and just below 16 in the northwest of Jutland. January is the coldest period in Denmark, but the mean temperature of c. 0 degrees C is more even throughout the country because of the warming effect from the surrunding sea.

The climate in Denmark is pleasant in the summertime (May - August). Typical daytime temperatures in the midsummer are a little more than 20 degrees C. May is a specially charming month, as the spring is at its height. September can often be very rainy.

The Winter in Denmark can be quite cold. Temperature falls sometimes until 15 - 30°C below zero. Then the country is ruled by snow, ice and icy winds. Even in April it is still possible to have a snowstorm. In the wintertime the sun rises only little above the horizon and for months (roughly October - March) the days are dark and short.

Required clothing:
Lightweights with rainwear for summer, waterproof and warmer clothing for winter.An umbrella and a sweater are necessary almost any time of year.

Koeppen-Geiger classification:
The climate of Denmark can be classified as Cfb Climate; a warm temperated humid climate with the warmest month lower than 22°C over average and four or more months above 10°C over average.

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